General Frequently
Asked Questions

We have added few general questions that usually clients has doubts. Feel free to check them, if you have any other queries please contact us.
You can find detailed specifications for the latest product on its product page. We list information such as processor, RAM, storage capacity, graphics card, and more.
Yes, we frequently offer discounts and promotions on various products. Please visit our “Deals” or “Promotions” page to see the current offers.
To check the availability of a product, simply visit the product’s page. If it’s available for purchase, you’ll be able to add it to your cart.
Our return policy allows you to return products within 7 days of purchase for a full refund. The product must be in its original condition and packaging. Please review our Returns & Refunds page for more details
Once your order is shipped, you will receive an email with a tracking number and a link to the tracking information. You can also log in to your account to view your order history and tracking details.
Yes, we offer technical support for all products purchased from our store. If you’re experiencing any issues, please reach out to our customer support team for assistance.
We accept major credit and debit cards, PayPal, and other secure online payment methods. You can find the full list of accepted payment options during the checkout process.
If you need to make changes to your order or cancel it, please contact our customer support team as soon as possible or go to orders and request a cancela. We’ll do our best to accommodate your request, depending on the order’s status.
Yes, we offer a range of software licenses for various applications. You can explore our Software section to see the available options.
You can reach our customer support team by phone at +91 77955 88884, via email at, or through our Whatsapp chat feature on the website during our business hours. We’re here to assist you with any questions you may have.